Employment Opportunities
Currently Seeking:
District Application Form
Submit district application form along with documents listed under Application Instructions.
District Employment Application/Fillable Form
(To complete, save to your computer as a pdf and open with acrobat)
District Employment Application/Plain Form
(Print to Hand Write Form)
Benefit Summary- Field and Office
Publicly Available Salary Schedule
Application Instructions
Please include: (a) Cover letter (if required); (b) Supplemental questionnaire (if required); (c) Resume; (d) A signed District Application Form ; (e) and copies of certifications (if applicable). Please email these required application documents to ctyler@sbcwd.com or mail to 30 Mansfield Road, Hollister, CA 95023.
If you are unable to access and print these documents, please contact ctyler@sbcwd.com or at (831)637-8218 ext 113 and a District Application Packet will be mailed to you.
San Benito County Water District is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Job Descriptions
Accountant I/II
Customer Account Specialist Series
Electrical/Electronic Technician
Executive Assistant / Board Clerk
Human Resource / Administrative Analyst
Operations and Maintenance Manager
Water Conservation Program Manager