Recycled Water
How much is an acre foot of water?
An acre foot is 325,851 gallons of water. One acre foot will cover approximately one football field with one foot of water.
Why did the District develop recycled water?
The District always actively pursues ways to increase the water supply available to our community. The development of a reclaimed water program is part of the Hollister Urban Area Master Plan. The District successfully made an application for grant funds and was awarded $1.3 million to implement a recycled water program.
What is the quality of this water?
This reclaimed water meets Title 22 standards and has been deemed acceptable for unrestricted use for agriculture irrigation. Currently, the total dissolved solids (TDS) is expected to be an average of approximately 1050 ppm.
What is the reliability of this water?
This water is considered supplemental and interruptible. However, since the source of the water is the City of Hollister Reclamation Plant, the supply is very reliable.
Are there monitoring and reporting requirements as a landowner?
There are both landowner and District requirements for monitoring and reporting to comply with State regulations for use of reclaimed water.