San Felipe Water

Contact SBCWD Water Office for this form.

Contact SBCWD Water Office for this form.


How much is an acre foot of water?

An acre foot is 325,851 gallons of water. One acre foot will cover approximately one football field with one foot of water.

How do I know if I am eligible for “blue valve” water?

Parcels of land that have a blind flange are eligible to receive “blue valve” water. Landowners can review their property tax bill. Standby and Availability Charges appear when there is a blind flange or a “blue valve” on the land. For more information contact the San Benito County Water District.

What is a “blue valve” contract account?

Contract customers purchase water on an annual basis. A contract customer must submit an Initial Request for water in January of each year. Using this information and considering the District’s water supply from the United States Bureau of Reclamation, the contract customer receives an allocation of water. The District prepares and mails a contract in February, which must be completed by a specific deadline. A 15% prepayment is required to execute the contract. Water transfers are permitted between contract customers and are subject to annual transfer policy.

What is a small parcel service?

Non-Agriculture parcels that are ten acres or less, with a standby and availability charge, are eligible for Small Parcel Service. This type of account receives an allocation allowance and is billed for water and power monthly, based on usage.

Should I depend on “blue valve” water to be available at all times?

The District’s annual water supply from the United States Bureau of Reclamation varies from year to year. The District’s allocation procedure is designed for use in a range of water supply contract allocations excluding extreme shortage conditions. Under extreme shortage conditions, the Board of Directors will review the water supply conditions and determine if a water supply emergency exists. If a water supply emergency exists, the Board of Directors will allocate the available supply to address that emergency.

Is “blue valve” water for domestic use?

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has issued rules for the purposes of implementing the federal and state Safe Drinking Water Acts. These rules affect all residential and business users of San Felipe “blue valve” water. These rules precludes domestic use of untreated San Felipe “blue valve” water. Water may not be used for domestic consumption, which includes drinking, cooking, bathing and oral hygiene.


How often will I be billed for my “blue valve” account?

Small parcel accounts are billed every other month. Contract accounts are billed monthly. All bill are due 20 days of the billing date.

I live in the city of Hollister. Who should I call for residential water service?

There are two water companies that provide residential water service depending on where you live. They are Sunnyslope County Water District (831) 637-4670 and the City of Hollister (831) 636-4301.

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